Hello Everyone!
Some of the highlights/miracles of last week:
We were able to meet with our awesome investigator Brother Wang. We taught him the first half of the plan of salvation and he loved it. He really feels that his purpose in life is to follow the gospel and fulfill is responsibilities to God. He really just loves everything that we teach him. I called him on Friday to see how he has been doing and he told me that he is loving to pray and really feels that he is receiving inspiration from God when he does. He even asked me to pray over the phone with him right there! It was pretty awesome!
Another miracle of the week happened Saturday night. One of Elder Niedfelt and my set-up had fallen through so we went to go visit a potential investigator. We knocked on his door but no one answered so we decided to go and tract the next house. There was a older lady outside who was hang up some close to dry out and we tried talking to her but she wasn't really saying much back. Then she started to call her grandson outside and told him to talk to us. He came out and we sat down with him and started to teach him about Heavenly Father and prayer which he seemed to really like, while we were doing so the older lady came back outside and sat down too! Then she told us how they are Christian but just moved to this new area. She told us she wants her grandson to go to church! So that night we got a member set up to pick him up in the morning. He came and he brought a friend too! We are excited to keep meeting with them and really hope we can get his parents and grandma to meet too!
Hope you enjoy the pictures I sent. This about wraps it up for the week!
Love you all!
Elder Bastian
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